Building muscle is important as it requires energy - increasing your metabolism. The more muscle one has, the more energy is required to maintain it. One study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that older men and women increased their metabolism by about 100 calories after 6 months of strength training. The combination of both resistance training and cardio can lead to some great fat loss results, compared to just cardio alone.
2. Eat smaller, balanced meals more frequently and consistently throughout the day. Space your meals out every 2 to 3 hours, and centre them around a lean protein source (egg whites, low-fat cheeses, yogurt, lean meats and poultry, and fish). Side your protein with vegetables and/or fruits, beans and lentils, and some whole grains. Eating these smaller, balanced meals more frequently throughout the day will keep you feeling fuller longer; preventing your blood sugar from spiking (discussed further in #3); and helping you from overeating.