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Thursday, June 4, 2015

5 Reasons Why You Should Hill Train

Burn more Calories

On average, every 1% incline increase, runners use roughly 4% more energy. The steeper the hill, the more calories you burn.

 Increases Workout Efficiency

Researchers have found that running on an incline activates 9% more muscle fibers, during each stride, compared to exercising with the same efforts on a flat surface.

Well-Rounded Muscle Development

When running on a flat surface you predominately use your hamstrings, quadriceps and calves.  When the incline increases you continue to use those muscles, but your glutes also get engaged.  Incline running also forces those muscles to work harder, as you are lifting the weight of your body up the hill.

Increase Speed 

Those who do not hill train may need to slow down when faced with an uphill challenge on the road.  The muscles being used and strengthened, during hill training, are the same muscles required for efficient sprinting.  Hill training will translate to faster times when running on flat surfaces, and that is the reason why elite sprinters train on inclines.

Reduce Boredom

Running uphill can keep things interesting, as flat surface running can become boring very quickly.  Whether enjoying the beauty outdoors, or on a treadmill indoors, running inclines can help change things up.

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